How to solve a problem in PHP relating to inheritance and magic constants.


Recently I ran into a problem where I had the following classes:

# AbstractClass.php
abstract class AbstractClass {
    public $fileName;
    protected function __construct() {
        $this->fileName = __FILE__;

# ChildClass.php
class ChildClass extends AbstractClass {


In the derived class, $filename would return the file name of the parent class, not the derived class.

echo (new ChildClass())->fileName;

# /home/user/AbstractClass.php

The program was dying silently and not displaying any errors.


Use reflection and write a method in the parent class to return the file name for any derived class. Then use that method in the constructor in place of the magic constant.

protected function __construct() {
    $this->fileName = pathinfo($this->getFileName(), PATHINFO_FILENAME);

protected function getFileName() {
    return (new ReflectionClass($this))->getFileName();

Now, the correct output:

echo (new ChildClass())->fileName;

# /home/user/ChildClass.php

When in doubt, Stack Overflow.